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Saturday, 6 April 2013

How to Write an Effective Marketing Message?

Today we are bombarded with thousands of marketing messages and advertisements per day; it is not always easy for consumers to navigate. So to be sure to stand out from our competitors and that our messages are read and understood by our audience a few seconds, it is important to have a very clear and precise and efficient because the goal is convert this post on sale. This is why you should always ask yourself these four questions when you post new marketing message.

1. Who are your customers? 

One of the biggest mistakes some entrepreneurs is to think that their product is open to the world - I'm sure you've met many of these people who say "oh, my product is for everyone, and everyone can benefit." In general, these are the same entrepreneurs who have a hard time finding customers. Not knowing the profile of their ideal customers, they are not able to recognize even if they spend next to them, however they lose their entire time marketer and everyone. Example, if you specialize in the sale of accessories for golfers and you put an ad on a page full of Figaro because it will allow you tremendous visibility. Actual number of people will probably watch it, but will not pay attention to the announcement itself. So many potential readers that log, but very little return because it is not targeted for golfers. But if you put a pub, even a quarter of a page in a magazine reserved for golfers there may be fewer readers as the magazine will be distributed than Figaro, but all readers will be this time potential customers because all golfers themselves.

So before you start writing your marketing message, make sure you always know who your target market and heart and never lose sight that you are addressing this target and that target only. Your message will be so much more interesting for those people who are customers of medium or long term.

2 - What do your customers?

Once you know exactly who your audience is and the profile of your ideal client, it will be much easier for you to contact all of these people in these terms that are familiar to them.

Plus it will be much easier to know what they need, either by asking your prospects to your mailing list or doing a survey. For example, "What are your three most important challenges for..

In my case as my activities, questions would be"

-what are your three most important challenges for promoting your services on the internet?

-What are your three most important challenges for the launch of your blog?

-What are your 3 the biggest challenges for launching a company in the United States?

3 - How to meet the needs of your customers

You know your subject, you know the benefits of your services, make sure you always specify in your marketing messages to what extent you will be able to give them the solution to their problem and to the extent possible, to show that you're the only one who can solve their problem. Position yourself as an expert so that customers come to you rather than hunt. Stand out from your competitors, offer unique solutions or a different approach. Sell ​​differently sell otherwise.

For example, you offer your services only through canvassing or phone now offer your services on the internet or by direct mailing - Make videos, I'm sure your competitors are not yet using this media, so be the first unmark you. You do not sell that one-on-one, offer the same services to groups, for example if you coach or consultant. Tailor your message to each of these media for every opportunity to meet the needs of customers in different forms to be sure to reach your audience.

4-What action do you want to take your customers

It is important to have a clear, precise and toward your target customer but this message will have no value if you do not specify exactly what you want your readers to do after reading this post . Would you like to enroll in your blog or newsletter, they call you for a consultation, they buy your product, they will join you on Facebook, Linkedin or Viadeo?

Never assume that your readers will go to the next step only. It must also tell them very clearly and precisely what you want them to do. This does not mean that all will, but the conversion of your message will be much more efficient and in the medium term, it will mean more sales.

So remember to always have these 4 questions header when you compose a new marketing message, because the purpose is always to bring more traffic to your website or blog, build your mailing list in order to communicate consistently with your target and convert these contacts into customers.

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