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Thursday, 14 February 2013

The Most Deceptive Variety of Disreputable Guaranteed SEO

While there are just as many quality, trustworthy SEO services firms out there who offer – and live up to their claims of – guaranteed SEO, many SEO bloggers and consumers alike across the Internet have a negative idea of what guaranteed SEO entails. One can't blame them however; after all, there are many SEO firms that advertise guaranteed SEO solely as a way of acquiring new clientele – often, an act of desperation that should be the first clue to comparison shoppers that they're likely only in it for the initial sign-up fee, and not for real results that can benefit their clients.

Keep in mind, however, that there are also plenty of reputable SEO firms that conduct business with guaranteed SEO packages that actually work. The trick therein to determine the worth of a guaranteed SEO package lies in just exactly what is being guaranteed. Today, we're going to discuss a very common method that disreputable SEO providers implement to stay true to the letter of the law, and not the spirit of law, thereby taking their clients' money, performing worthless SEO services that technically meet the criteria they initially established in the contract, and then refusing to grant that client a refund, despite not having accomplished any improvement in their online visibility or search engine rankings whatsoever. This is the kind of guaranteed SEO, of course, that should be avoided at all costs. In this economy, you simply don't have the luxury of dishing out a lot of money for nothing in return, particularly when you're counting on this supposedly guaranteed SEO to improve business for your company.

Ultimately, the most underhanded and deceptive trickery employed by shady SEO services providers today, is offering Guaranteed SEO that targets useless keywords. They streamline and optimize their clients business website for search terms that no one would ever use to find such services.

In this way, they can show the client that they achieved a number-one ranking for them – and they won't have to issue a refund, because they technically upheld their end of the guaranteed SEO bargain. Such keywords and phrases, however, when used to optimize a site for SEO, are completely and totally worthless because no prospective patron will ever actually type such terms into their search field, so no new traffic would reach the clients site, making it virtually impossible to acquire conversions and therefore, revenue.

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